
Cyber Threat Intelligence Services

Count on Proven Data's threat intelligence data and analysis to identify and respond to cyber threats more effectively.

Threat Intelligence Resources you need

Proven Data’s continuous research and incident response services, allows us to provide evidence-based knowledge about existing or emerging menaces or hazards to assets, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications, and action-oriented threat intelligence, including:


This delivers specifics about attacks, threat actors' motivations and capabilities, and individual campaigns. It also provides real-time alerts and actionable data, assisting security teams in detecting active threats and minimizing damage.


Tactical Threat Intelligence bridges the gap between strategic and operational levels by focusing on specific evidence of attacks or indicators of compromise (IOCs) such as phishing campaign content, command-and-control infrastructure IP addresses, and known malware samples.


Our Strategic Threat Intelligence offers an overarching view of your organization's threat environment. This non-technical intelligence focuses on elements like regulations, policies, and relevant news, providing valuable insights for executives making high-level decisions.


Finally, our Technical Threat Intelligence zeroes in on tangible evidence of attacks or IOCs gathered from threats detected within a network or external sources. This intelligence is crucial as it is actionable, timely, provides context, and can be easily understood by decision-makers, impacting tactical decisions significantly.

Why Choose Proven Data's Threat Intelligence services

At Proven Data we offer a comprehensive approach to threat intelligence, covering strategic, operational, and tactical levels. This means you’ll receive a broad overview of your organization’s threat landscape as well as detailed, actionable information about specific threats.

Our holistic approach ensures you’re equipped to make informed high-level decisions, respond effectively to immediate threats, and understand the specifics of potential attacks.

How We Collect & Analyze Threat Intelligence

Without understanding security vulnerabilities, threat indicators, and how threats are carried out, it is impossible to defend against them. Proven Data’s Threat intelligence is collected, processed, and analyzed to understand a threat actor’s motives, targets, and attack behaviors.


Data Collection

Researchers create threat intelligence feeds by collecting data on potential threats from private and public sources, analyzing this data, and creating structured data sets.


Processing involves filtering, normalizing, and enriching data to make it more useful and to identify patterns and trends.


The analyses provide context about the threat actors, their motives, and their capabilities. This analysis can be performed at different levels, including strategic, operational, and technical.


Ensure that the results of the analysis are disseminated to the appropriate stakeholders, such as security teams, executives, and other decision-makers.


Interaction between our experts and your business stakeholders and analysts for information exchange and to check if the requirements were met.

Field Tech Support

We offer affordable IT solutions that help you reduce costs and improve your bottom line.


Threat intelligence is evidence-based knowledge about existing or emerging menaces or hazards to assets, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications, and action-oriented advice. It is data that is collected, processed, and analyzed to understand a threat actor’s motives, targets, and attack behaviors.

Threat intelligence enables organizations to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to cyber-attacks. It allows companies to make faster, more informed, data-backed security decisions and change their behavior from reactive to proactive in the fight against threat actors. Threat intelligence is indispensable for assessing the overall threat level for the organization and developing a security roadmap.

Researchers create threat intelligence feeds by collecting data on potential threats from private and public sources, analyzing this data, and creating structured data sets. The process of collecting and analyzing threat intelligence involves data collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination.

Integrating threat intelligence into security operations involves planning for a threat intelligence program, designing an intelligence collection strategy, optimizing the intelligence analysis process, and disseminating intelligence to the appropriate stakeholders.

There are different types of threat intelligence, including operational and technical. Operational threat intelligence shares hard and specific details about attacks, motivation, threat actor capabilities, and individual campaigns.

Technical threat intelligence is specific evidence that an attack is happening or indicators of compromise (IOCs).

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